What is an adaptogen?

What is an adaptogen?

In 1969, the Soviet scientist I.I. Brekhman, Ph.D. reported that the Soviet soldiers who took ginseng extract were able to run faster in a 3000 m race than soldiers who were given a placebo preparation. Dr. Brekhman was the first person to name ginseng an adaptogen and described it as a substance that helps the body to better cope with stress.
What are antioksidants?

What are antioksidants?

The easiest way to explain what an antioxidant is- and how it works, is to ask you to cut an apple in half. Leave one half exposed to the air in the room. After a short time you will see the cutting surface becoming brown – the oxidation process is underway.  Dip the other half of the apple in eg. lemon or orange juice and be amazed how effective vitamin C slows the oxidation process!